Coaching at the SMCA centres

Advanced chess trainingPlanting the seed to become future chess champions through our training programs. At SMCA, we believe in offering an opportunity to every child to excel in their own way. Our training programs are designed not only to teach them the tactics of chess, but also the importance of practice and hard work. Based on their skill-sets and their current exposure to the game of chess, we have tailor-made training programs to achieve the best for every child.

Our classes have a weekday and a weekend option, you can chose the one that works best for you 30 - 35 mins - Lecture time 30 - 35 mins - Play time / Class worksheets

Personal Chess Coaching

Advanced chess trainingIndividual one to one instructions are essential to reach one's full potential in chess. Individual guidance and best from a FIDE certified and licensed chess trainer, benefits students by accelerating their development and building confidence. Coaches are the driving force behind the development and success of their athletes. No athlete, no matter how talented, can achieve success without the guidance and support of their coaches.

SMCA Chess Trainers have numerous years of national and international playing experiences and many years of teaching experiences with a proven record in achieving results with all levels of players.

  • Private chess tutoring gives students the personal attention that they cannot receive in such magnitude in a group class. Private chess lessons can further improve student's self esteem and love for the game and sport of chess. Students enjoy the personal attention. Constantly challenging chess lessons plans encourage students to ask lots of questions.
  • Chess students range in age, rating and most importantly - level of game understanding. Individual coaching with an SMCA Chess Trainer will bring the student to the next chess level faster.
  • You to the next level to continue to achieve maximum benefits for your efforts. By changing your exercise workout, your Personal Chess Training Programme remains fresh, new, challenging, and keeps your interest.

Online Chess Training

Advanced chess trainingOur Online chess lessons are designed by Professional Coaches.Online Chess Coaching means a planned training program, study material and analysis of games. Students from around 100 countries are benefitting from our online chess lessons and they win in different levels of tournaments in their countries.

By sharing a chess board online and with a voice/video chat during training sessions, the coach shows examples from games played by masters based on different themes. A student gets enough time to think and try his/her ideas with the coach. Lessons are carefully planned for different areas of the game like opening repertoire, calculation, evaluation of the position, planning and endings.

After a student comes back from a tournament, the games are analyzed by the coach in the next session. Based on this analysis, coach gives suggestions on how to work further to get better results in the next tournaments.During a friendly game with another player, coach helps the student by suggesting moves and explaining ideas. Sometimes a student plays the game on his/her own and after the game is over, the coach helps him/her analyze the whole game move by move.The coach sends regular feedback and reports. These include training program, report of student's performance during sessions and suggestions for improvements.

High performance chess program (HPCP)

Advanced chess trainingHigh performance chess program (HPCP) brings the same-high quality chess training to you. You'll train like a Grandmaster in a professional way, so you will reach your peak potential! The unique lessons and methods of the HPCP make the difference.

Over the last 22 years, many students who've completed our customised courses have become masters, FIDE masters, national and international champions, as well as have won against International and grand Masters.

HPCP contains everything you have to study for the master level in one place. You'll follow a structured plan of improvement of one year and your chess will improve month by month, every month, for one year.

At the end of the year, you'll have mastered chess strategy, positional evaluation, calculation, tactics, planning, various techniques of play, art of analysis, and much more. Any questions that may arise during your study will be answered by our strong coaching panel. We'll make sure that you thoroughly understand the lessons and that you'll be able to put into practice what you learn. After you Enroll , you will also get extra materials from us as a Complete Opening Repertoire, Strategy Puzzles, and other courses. You can also have your games analyzed by our strong coaching panel.

Chess in School Program (CISP)

Advanced chess trainingA unique grassroots program initiative by the world's leading chess academy, SMCA to make Indian school students at par with the global standards.